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About Me



I am art therapist and clown, I was born in Rome (Italy) in 1968. Over the years he develops my original method “Art therapy and Clown for the Development of the Performing Arts and for Personal Growth "in which art therapy, meditations and clown play structures converge, making themselves their own unique courses in the world of creation.

Currently, in addition to presenting my clown shows, I hold courses in training for clown therapists and art therapy workshops and business training courses (EMPATHINK METHOD), continuing my training as a Gestalt therapist at the Institut Integratiu in Barcelona (Spain). 

I have never topped being 

curious as a cat. For this I have already lived many lives!

I co-direct with Jango Edwards the Nouveau Clown Institute (N.C.I. Barcelona Spain - International Clown Training Institute), where I holds the my courses such as "Clown Chi", "White Nose" and "Buffoons-Sacred & Profane". Thanks to my creativity, always active, I have produced, conceived and created in recent years 8 years 4 solo show with which I am on tour in international festivals.

My ability and desire to accompany people in their growth processes personal and creative is evident already in the first collaborations in Jango worshops as a "soul trainer", so much so that I looked for other forms accompanying and teaching maieutics more congenial to to me.

So in 2016 I specialize in Art Therapy, completing the internship at the Hospital of Blind Sant'Alessio - Rome (Italy).

In 2006 I began to collaborate with the Association for the promotion of social conduct by Dr. Silvana Pera, Director of the Department of Studies and Research of the company Sophia University of Rome. This experience turns out to be a "milestone" in the personal and professional growth of me as creator of experiential workshops, so as to allow mer to teach acting and clowns in Institute theater with attenuated custody Rebibbia III ° Prison. 


Who says curiosity kills the cat, lies.

Curiosity makes the mind elastic and

the heart "Fools of Life"!.


My training as a clown is completed by participating and completing several master class programs with Jango Edwards, Laura Herts, Leo Bassi and many others other teachers and as a dramatic mime at the "Escuela Moveo" in Barcelona.

I also trained at the theater school "La Scaletta - Conservatory GB Diotajuti theater acting school - Rome (Italy).

I am a curious, courageous and constantly evolving woman. For 17 years I served in the State Police where I pass from public security duties to psychological studies linked to local criminal organizations, to then change course e to look for my red nose. I was just 20 years old when I started serving in the Police. I wasn't happy! So, curious like a cat looking for a piece of lard, I started looking for something that made me "fall in love" and I found the universe of Clown. Being a Clown is something special. I directed "Homeless" and "La Terza Gamba" by Andrea di Cosimo. This last show won the "Takimiri Prize" in the edition of the Clown&Clown festval 2021.

Finally after 17 years of Police I have returned to play with my emotions throught the Clown! 

My story, that of a policewoman who becomes a clown has become the story of a documentary "Fool of Life" directed by Tommaso Magnano.

My lives, so far, told in pictures.

about me andmy method.
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