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Clown Chi 2 






"CLOWN CHI 2: The Magical Path of 5 Sense"

"Clown Chi 2: The Magical Path of 5 Sense" is an experiential workshop on sensory activation that focuses its attention on the body dimension, rhythmic, dynamic and always shared with others.

In this laboratory, we use different types of knowledge: meditations, experiential exercises, Art Therapy and clown improvisations.


The aim of this workshop is to create an intimate and shared space, in which finding the inner silence, the state of non-urgency, and the rediscovery of our 5 senses. It is about of let ourselves being surprised by our feelings as if we were children, far from the habit of having to label and to be  labelled.

The Clown mask will help us to share - with irony and innocence - our experiences.


This event takes place in a natural environment, making this journey in the 5 senses unique and unrepeatable, also thanks to the stimulation of a series of situations and objects made available by the same natural environment.


The contact with nature will allow us to tune deeply with its archaic, circular and maternal rhythm, placing us, physically and mentally, in a healthier space.


The lack of acoustic and visual pollution, which is normally present in the cities, will help us to improve the tone of the mood and will help us to remove from the mind filters and prejudices, that can block our creative abilities. Together, we will build a sensory path during which we will explore our senses (smell, touch, hearing, taste and sight).

Walking barefoot on different types of soil and smelling the scents of nature, are just a few examples of the sensory path we will achieve.

Information and stimuli from the outside are transmitted by the sensory organs and interpreted by the brain through the perceptual process, enabling us to grasp the surrounding reality, by organizing it in information of meaning.


The perceptive process elaborates, integrates and gives meaning to the information offered by the sense organs based on interests, habits, memories, emotions etc. ...

As a result, there will be the activation of the imaginary dimension (that is all that belongs to the emotional inner world of the person).


With the support of an Art Therapy procedure, we can transform this imaginary world into a concrete "material" (stories and/or characters) to handle it in a more fluid and creative way.


Therefore, ideas, images, memories, etc. ... born from our imaginary, can be valuable elements to be used in the construction of numbers during the directing work.

Creating a good relational space will allow us to feel comfortable in expressing our emotions, feelings and emerging thoughts, accepting them as they are and simply showing what is happening within us.

Thanks to the support of meditations, experiential exercises, playful activities and Art Therapy procedures, this laboratory will become a journey of discovery and exploration of ourselves.


  • 1st. stage-A basic body and mind warm up; space exploration plus techniques of meditation and relaxation.

  • 2nd. stage-Implementation of fun,  using games and exercises to create empathy, listening and complicity among the participants;

  • 3rd. stage-The application of experiential sensory exercises;

  • 4th. stage-A 90- minute- encounter of art therapy;

  • 5th. stage-Each participant will construct and compose a fictional biography of the character they created during the 4th stage art therapy session;

  • 6th. stage-Clown improvisations performed by characters from the Art therapy session;

  • 7th. stage- moment of group recomposition and verbalization.

N.B.: A towel and a red nose are mandatory for each one. Comfortable loose clothing and slipper socks are recommended.


Duration 3 days - 6 hours a day for a total of 18 hours.

Maximum number of participants: 15.



  • A clean, well-lit room with smooth floor surface - ideally wooden or tiled. 12m x 10m is the minimal room sizerequired.

  • An audio sound system appropriate to the dimensions of the space to which it is possible to connect computer or tablet.

  • One mirror of minimum dimensions: 40x60.

  • A table and 15 chair.

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