"BUFFOONS 2 - Sacred Clown and
The Upside Down World"
I titled this workshop "Sacred Clown - The upside down world" to metaphorically indicate the way to act and to think "backwards" of the sacred Clown, also called "Heyoka" in some redskin Indian tribes.
The sacred Clown plays with the opposites, creates the order and then immediately recreates the chaos, thus demonstrating that the constant and dynamic flow of life is nothing other than the result of the "coincidence of opposites".
The goal of the course is to learn to know and use our own Buffoon, carefully exploring the characteristics of the sacred clown, to accept and integrate our opposite sides with irony, to find new ways of “being in the world”. Therefore, it is a question of reassessing, our differences with regard to society, as well as to customs and beliefs, with irony and without guilt.
Through exercises and improvisations, we will experience the pleasure of the magical act of laughing at ourselves and at our opposites.
This act has the function of transcending the polarity and of transforming our life and that of the others.
Laughing, we cross the fear of "dying to ourselves" and we allow our internal parts to play, dialogue and remodel ourselves to be more open to changes that life offer us.
This metamorphosis brings benefits not only to us, but also to people around us and, therefore, to the whole community.
Our changes are capable of transforming everything we are sourrounded by. Their effect, even if at first sight may seem limited only to ourselves, are actually expanded like the vibrations of a drum, reaching those people around us.
General introduction on the sacred Buffoon.
Warm-up exercises, meditations, experiential exercises, games on exclusion and self-exclusion. Meditations, improvisations and an Art Therapy workshop, through which creating your own fool (clothing, voice, attitude, biography).
N.B.: It is mandatory to have coloured Bristol cards 50x60 (the choice of colours is free and personal), scissors, branches, leaves and glue.. It is also mandatory to bring a towel and a red nose for each participant. The use of loose clothing and comfortable anti-slip socks is recommended.
N.B.: Wear comfortable clothes and slipper socks. Bring towel and a red nose.
Duration three days - 6 hours per day for a total of 18 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
A clean, well-lit room with smooth floor surface, ideally wooden or tiled. 12m x 10m is the minimal room size dimensions required.
An audio sound system, appropriate to the dimensions of the space to which it is possible to connect computer or tablet.
One mirror of minimum dimensions: 40x60.
A Table and 15 chairs.